COVID-19 Safety Policies and Protocols
1. Doors open 10 minutes before show time to avoid crowding in the space or at the entrance.
2. Show will take place in the Meeting Room, ENTRANCE at 243 Thompson Street with sanitation stations accessible throughout the space stocked with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and surgical masks.
3. Maximum capacity = 25 people (including performer, crew and staff)
4. Meeting Room has MERV 13, COVID-approved filters installed.
5. Masks/Face Coverings are required at all times for ALL attendees, crew and performer.
6. Six-feet social distancing enforced at all times.
7. Designated Box Office/Door Person will check all attendees’ temperatures & provide hand sanitizer.
8. Designated Door Person/Ticketing Service will record one name, phone number and e-mail per party to facilitate contact tracing, if necessary.
9. One-way traffic pattern will lead attendees to their seats.
10. All attendees will be seated 8-10 feet apart, proscenium style.
11. No group seating allowed.
12. One-way traffic pattern will lead attendees out of the space.
13. Stage Manager will also act as House Manager.
14. Tech/House Manager will also be on premises to assist with procedures.
15. The chairs and surrounding area will be sanitized in between performances.
Medical Advisory from:
Allison Squires, PhD, RN, FAAN (member of Judson Memorial Church)
Associate Professor & Director, Florence S. Downs PhD Program in Nursing Research &
Theory Development, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Research Associate Professor, NYU School of Medicine
2019-2020 Distinguished Nurse Scholar in Residence, National Academy of Medicine
*Judson Memorial Church is in a NYC Yellow Zone.