OPPY, a spunky new robotic space exploration rover, lands on Mars with the directive to find signs of previous life, but this little rover has a secret mission: to find her twin sister Spirit who has touched down on the other side of the fourth rock from the sun. Through incidental music, dance and visual design, we watch as OPPY’s objective to send NASA important data lasts long past her projected life span of 90 martian days and she continues to wander the dusty red planet for nearly 15 years searching diligently for her star-crossed sister.
The audience will become NASA in this pandemic friendly, 25-minute, Mars Rover Theatrical Experience and we will ask them to facilitate OPPY's expedition to Mars and beyond.
**disclaimer** There will be brief nudity in the 7pm show (in person only)
Safety Statement:
In accordance with CDC and NY State Health Guidelines, masks or face coverings will be required for all audience members, crew, and the performer. One-way traffic patterns will lead the audience to their seats, socially distanced at all times. We will not exceed a 25-person maximum capacity per show. The Meeting Room at Judson is equipped with MERV 13, COVID approved air filters and the space will be sanitized in between shows.
Medical Advisory from:
Allison Squires, PhD, RN, FAAN (also a Judson Church member, familiar with the space)
Associate Professor & Director, Florence S. Downs PhD Program in Nursing Research &
Theory Development, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Research Associate Professor, NYU School of Medicine
2019-2020 Distinguished Nurse Scholar in Residence, National Academy of Medicine
Webpage: https://nursing.nyu.edu/directory/faculty/allison-p-squires